#07 Custom left hand fish knife 2019-12-20 Vetrina 904 VisualizzazioniThanks for SHDI’s trust in us, the goods have been shipped on time, and we look forward to our next cooperation Sushi knifeSushi knife packaging Sushi knife packing boxTag:Yu sheng knifeCondividi:ContattiCinguettareAlessioContattiPrev: Anthony tool introductionProssimo: This silver color German steel blade knifeRelated #01 Customer customized seven-piece set #2 Custom steak knife #03 Custom knife sets have been shipped #04 Custom chef’s knife #05 Customizable Kiritsuke #08 Handcrafted in Our Factory: [Blue G10Handle Kitchen Knife ] #09 New 15pcs knife sets #11 Professional Hand Forged Carbon Steel Santoku Knife #10 6PCS Black Wave Pattern Kitchen knife Sets #12 Custom Black Handle 8in Chef Knife Lasciare una rispostaAnnulla risposta Salva il mio nome, E-mail, e sito web in questo browser per la prossima volta che commento. Δ